Welcome to St Michael’s Lodge
A Coventry Freemasonry Lodge under the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire
Welcome to the website for St Michael’s Lodge number 1630, Coventry, a prestigious Craft Lodge for Freemasons. St Michael’s Lodge is part of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire under the United Grand Lodge of England and meets at Coventry Masonic Hall, 165 Warwick Road, Coventry, CV3 6AU.
St Michael’s Lodge was granted its warrant by Grand Lodge in 1876 and was consecrated in 1877. We are a vibrant lodge with an enthusiastic membership of Masons of all ages, and a fine tradition of excellence in ritual and fellowship.
The Head of Freemasonry in Warwickshire is Philip L Hall and is known to Freemasons as The Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire.
The universal Masonic logo is the Square and Compasses. By clicking on the blue and white modern redesign of our recognised symbol below, you will be taken to the United Grand Lodge of England home page. This is the website of the home and centre of all Craft Freemasonry in England, based at Freemasons Hall in London.
Our Worshipful Master for 2024
Mr Ian M Anderson
Worshipful Master St Michael’s Lodge 1630 year 2024
If you’re interested in joining St Michael’s Lodge then please contact us here. The most common reason for joining is if you have a friend in the Lodge, but that isn’t essential. Family connections also work and if you have any fore bearer’s names in the annals of St Michael’s history, your presence in the Lodge will certainly be that much more special!
Along with our regular meetings we also have informal social events for families and also ladies nights at the Lodge which are always well supported and very enjoyable.
If you want to find out more then you’re going to have to join! We will certainly make you feel very welcome. Please have a look through our website for information and get in touch.
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